Digital development studio

POST - Perugia Science Museum

POST is also home to DigiPASS, a space created by Regione Umbria (The Umbrian regional authority) which is open to the public and provides users with a team of experts to help citizens and local businesses access digital services: in dedicated areas both inside and outside the museum a new breed of digital facilitators act as mediators to assist users in accessing newly digitized public and other services.

In a room off the cloister POST has created the FabLab, a high-tech workshop dedicated to encouraging digital innovation among young people, educational establishments and businesses. The studio provides a range of training workshops, family and child-oriented activities and creative events aimed at bridging the gaps between our analogue world and its digital corollary. Users, accompanied by young ‘makers’ and using the latest technologies, can learn how to approach digital design and manufacturing and also manage and share tools, technologies and creative processes through collaborative learning-processes.

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